he curriculum is broadly based with a North American foundation, but incorporates subjects, topics, and activities relevant not only to Zambia, but also to the countries to which many of the children go for their post-secondary education. Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Scripture, Music, Art, Crafts, Technology, and Physical Education, are all included in the curriculum.
Sakeji Mission School is a recognised Zambian Grade Seven Exam Center, so Grade Seven students write their Grade Seven National Exam at the school. While the school is not officially a Grade Nine Center, students in Grade Eight and Nine do study some of the required examination subjects for the Zambian Grade Nine Exam. Students in grades eight and nine also cover material in the core subjects in preparation for entrance into the GCSE programme.
All ‘homeroom’ teachers at Sakeji Mission School hold recognised primary teaching qualifications. Although not all of the missionary staff hold recognised primary teaching qualifications, most teach some classes where appropriate, according to their ability and interest.
Equipment and resources are constantly being updated to help to give the best possible learning experience for the students. For example, all students take keyboarding and computer classes in the computer lab. Art, Music, and Physical Education along with weekly swimming lessons, are an important part of the school curriculum and the students’ learning and experience.
Although we do not have a full-time teacher designated to children with special needs, we are committed to giving individual attention where possible to children who have unique educational needs. From time to time, teachers with specialized training in teaching children with special educational needs have visited and given of their time to our students and staff, to assess and suggest things that teachers can implement in the learning environment.