Author Archives: hannadoug
Searching For Sight Words
As a new term begins, Grade One students have been going over procedures in class, learning to locate books in the library, and locating sight words in self-selected books.
At Sakeji it is not all work, every once in a while we have a chance to sit back, relax and pretend we are farmers.
Rain Has Come

This gallery contains 2 photos.
We know that not everyplace in Zambia has rain, but Sakeji sure does. Here are a few pictures of around the school. We are enjoying the green carpet that covers a lot at Sakeji.
Grade 6 & 7 Update
It’s only a few weeks in to Term 1, and already things are quite busy in the grade 6 and 7 classroom! We’ve started our study of Botany with learning about the parts of a flower. On Friday we dissected some so we could experience the information firsthand. It was interesting to compare hibiscus to flame lily flowers. I
n Literature class we are currently enjoying the novel Holes by Louis Sachar. What are they looking for on the dry lake bed of Camp Green Lake? – Lina Burklin Grade 6 & 7 Teacher
Grade 6 & 7
As part of our unit on energy and machines, the 6th and 7th grade students went on a tour of Sakeji’s generator house and turbine. We got to observe the effect of turning on just one set of lights on out power, and had a good explanation of energy transfers and the different ways such as sound and heat that some energy is lost.
Update on 90 Year Celebration
Just a quick update on the 90 year celebration happening here at Sakeji in August. The below is rough agenda and plan for the weekend and the time here. Hope this gets you looking forward to coming along to enjoy the weekend and gets all the old memories flowing. We look forward to welcoming and meeting each one. If you can not come, please sign the guest book here on our website, share a memory, or leave a comment. If you have a memory you would like shared, please send it through to us so that it can be read out at some point on the weekend.
Original post and all other details can be found here.
Additionally we do have some Sakeji clothing and hats that will be for sale during the weekend if you so desire.
Friday afternoon as everyone is arriving we are leaving lots of time for meeting, catching up along with some games, activities and go-kart rides.
Friday Supper – You guess what we are having.
Friday Night – A big bamboo bonfire just like old times.
Saturday morning will begin with an ‘early morning swim’.
Saturday Breakfast – Well again tradition will rule.
Saturday Morning – Following breakfast there will be a morning assembly with singing and a hankie check. Be prepared! For those who are late, there may be some marches handed out! A scavenger hunt is being planned for part of the morning as well, so that old haunts may be visited.
Saturday Afternoon – After lunch there will be swimming at the pool. We will try to have the flying fox going as well as king/queen of the plank.
Saturday Supper – Supper will be a birthday party themed event. Costumes will be provided.
Saturday Night – In the evening, there will be a talent night, sketches, and much more in keeping with the birthday part theme. Come prepared with a skit, a song or a favourite memory. There will be a quiz for all you history buffs! We will try to get some old movies going with the reel-to-reel projector to show as well as some pictures in a slide show. If you have some old pictures that you would like to share, please send them along or bring them.
Sunday morning – There will be a family service at Sakeji, followed by “letter writing” (recording memories for a memory book).
Sunday Lunch – Tradition Again
Sunday Afternoon – After lunch, the lorry will take a trip to the cottage for afternoon tea, swimming, and a relax.
Sunday Night – There will be a Sunday evening fellowship time in the main sitting room.
90 Year Celebration @ Sakeji
Greetings from Sakeji Mission School. As a school, we are thankful for God’s faithfulness over the past 90 years. We thought it would be a good idea to celebrate this milestone so have begun planning a small event here at Sakeji. A weekend of remembrance and celebration is being planned, beginning Friday, 7th August and concluding Sunday, 9th August which will be during the school break. We are hoping this will be a time to reminisce about the good old days, share stories, games and create a few new memories. The invitation is extended to former Sakeji pupils who are 20 years of age or older. Accommodation is limited and so will be given to those who respond first. Please please let us know if you are interested in attending for the weekend. We need to hear from you by the end of June if you plan to attend, so that adequate preparations can be made. Please email headmaster @ to make reservations, or for further information.
To add this to your calendar visit the calendar entry here
We understand that this will not leave room or time for planning for a lot of people. But since the Sakeji family is a wide and diverse one from all over the world we would love to hear from all of you. Please leave your comments and thoughts in the comments section of this post or leave a entry on our brand new Sakeji Guest Book here. Have pictures you want to share or other news, contact us and we would be glad to share what we can.
New School Year – 2015
Here at Sakeji we have not only started a new school year we have started the 90th year of school in this little corner of the world. For all of those interested there may be some announcements around this anniversary.
This year the school is up to 87 students which is more than have been at the school in quite a long time. Classes and dorms are full and it is great to see all of the students back and getting into the swing of the term.
First term this year is a short one only 10 weeks long, but all of the dates can be found on the calendar on the media main page if you wish to download. (It has been formatted for printing.) Additionally we have posted last years Bushtalks as well for any who may be interested.
End of Term Update
Just an update on a few things before the end of term, which is coming up very quickly I might add! We have had some heavy rains at Sakeji and the roads are wet and slippery We are in the middle of the second week of interviews for potential pupils for 2015. Please pray for wisdom as we select students for next year. Over 50 applications have come in from a wide variety of places.
We had beautiful weather to enjoy as we celebrated 50 years since Zambian Independence. There were decorations, a larger bonfire then ever, and a school-wide treasure and scavenger hunt!
On 11 November, we had a minute of silence during the morning student assembly as we considered the burial of Mr. Sata. We also considered many of the privileges of growing up in our country and prayed for continued peace and liberty, even at a time like this.
Students are looking forward to being reunited with their families once again – they are counting down the days! A lot of progress has been made through the year and it is encouraging to see their growth in so many areas. There is a baptism planned near end-of-term too! We are also thankful for the many varied learning opportunities we have had this year as well; both here at the school and in the local area. Next week, a visiting biologist from Germany will be here studying dragonflies. Did you know Sakeji has a dragonfly named after it?
Please keep the students and staff in your prayers during the last push towards the end of the year; students writing tests, teachers marking papers and writing reports, practising for the end of term show, and much more will keep us busy the last few days.
- Please remember to communicate with us about your accommodation needs. There are a few ex-pupils coming along with their families, but otherwise we are very full and will not be able to accommodate many extras.
- Clothing + yearbook will be available on Wednesday, 26 November from 13:00 – 15:15. These will be sold on a cash-only basis. Caps (K74), Backpacks (K36), T-shirts (K74), Zipper Hoodie – adult sizes only (K180), Jumper/Hoodie – youth sizes only (K150), yearbook (K10)
- Parent-teacher interviews will be held from 13:30 – 15:30. Please sign in and meet with your child’s teacher concerning their progress.
- Award Ceremony – 15:45 – 17:00. Some students will be recognised for proficiency, effort, and progress. Other special year-end prizes will be given out as well. Father Christmas is scheduled to appear as well. Supper will be served to the students followed by parents and visitors directly after the Award Ceremony.
- End-of-term Programme – 18:30 – Every Land Rejoice
- A tea and snack will be provided for students in the dorm and for parents and visitors in the hall, after the programme.
- Thursday, 27 November – breakfast provided at 07:00. Students, parents, and visitors begin leaving by road and air.
We would appreciate you keeping in mind that this is a tight programme and please be respectful of the time.
Mark Ronald – Headmaster