From July 15-19, 2004, the campus of California Lutheran University became a satellite campus of Sakeji School as alumni gathered from five different countries and as many generations to spend time remembering their days at Sakeji, renewing old friendships, and making new friends too. These die-hard Sakejiites gathered from Capetown (South Africa), Oslo (Norway), Dumfries (Scotland), Saskatchewan (Canada), and various areas of the United States. (View a list of attendees)

Chenga Bwanausi, Kumi (Bwanausi) Tommerbakke, Dowa (Bwanausi) Ross and Mbamba Bwanausi
Thanks to the brilliant planning and organizational skills of Dowa (Bwanausi) Ross and Janice Bakke, the reunion was a special time of making new memories for everyone concerned, including the children and spouses of the alumni. Those who flew into Los Angeles were met with great warmth and enthusiasm by Mbamba Bwanausi and transported from there to the campus at Thousand Oaks, California-while being simultaneously regaled with one great Sakeji memory after another. Others came in their own vehicles, including one arrival by motorcycle on Saturday!
Almost all the attendees stayed in the same dorm. Those who came without their families were able to revert to their youth as they roomed together in the spacious ground-floor suites. It was a pleasant walk from the dorm to the dining room-nobody regressed to the extent of running at full tilt down to dinner! Meals were early at CLU-breakfast at 7:00, lunch at 11:45, and supper at 5:00. No problem for former Sakeji students!
After supper on Thursday the 15th, we met together and Dowa got the ball rolling with a quiz on “Sakeji Kids’ Body Parts.” Most of those present agreed it was harder than any quiz they ever had at Sakeji! Lois Anne (Sykes) Norris got the highest mark and was later honored with a prize. Dowa and Janice also surprised us with gift bags containing Sakeji-related memorabilia-75th anniversary tea towels, school crest pins, and Sakeji recipes (all courtesy of Margie Young), and also a CD of music by Matthew Raymond. This was followed with a time of introduction and sharing of Sakeji memories, most of which were accompanied by laughter and good-natured teasing. (Everyone was asked to share their favorite or least favorite memory, and also to reveal what special person they gave their fudge to!) The final entertainment of the evening was watching the first half of “Martin Luther,” which any good Sakejiite knows practically by heart!
We also had plenty of opportunity that night and every night to browse through the display tables that had been set up in our meeting room, forming an informal museum of Sakeji memorabilia. From Tumina (the Lunda hymnal) to old Sakeji calendars, to Sakeji handwork, to photos and letters from faraway alumni who couldn’t make it to the reunion, there was much to look at and reminisce over.
riday after our early breakfast (no rice cakes, but Lois Anne did bring Marmite for everyone to put on their toast) we piled into an assortment of vehicles and drove to Zuma beach in Malibu. For many of us it was our first sight of the Pacific Ocean. The next several hours we spent sunning, swimming, and scorching the soles of our feet on the simmering sand. Janice and Dowa had arranged for us to bring a packed lunch, which we enjoyed while sitting on the beach, cooled by salty breezes from the deep blue ocean and entertained by the sight of dolphins leaping in the water. The waves were a refreshing break from the hot sun for those who wanted to swim. Little Megan Gurney (Margaret McKenzie’s eight-year-old daughter) rarely left the water at all!
Late in the afternoon we drove back to campus to shower and get ready for our early supper. That evening’s entertainment included a new quiz, “Sakeji Brain Teaser,” which challenged even the mental capacities of our four attending Milligan Prize winners. In fact, after looking at the quiz, Kumi claimed she had gone from Milligan Prize winner to dunce in just 30 short years! In the end, the highest mark went to David Gurney, who is married to Margaret McKenzie. Then came the introduction of newcomers, followed by Linda (Moran) Burklin reading two chapters from the manuscript she has written about her years at Sakeji (the chapters were titled “Poo Balls” and “Perils of Puberty”). The highlight of the evening, however, was watching the first of the old Sakeji films and about half of the second film as well.

Steve, Debbie, Brian and David Wolford
On Saturday our numbers grew as several “day-trippers” arrived from various parts of California. Swelling our ranks that day were Betty Lou Ferguson, Dwight Ferguson, Jon Moran, and Steve and Debbie Wolford with their teenage sons Brian and David. Owen Callahan and his wife Joanne also arrived from Florida. This was a great time, therefore, to initiate various sports activities appropriate for aging Sakeji alumni. These included volleyball (Megan Gurney won the first game for her team), tug-of-war (in which the presence of Jon Moran on your team was believed to be the deciding factor), jumping rope, and dodgeball (Jon was the last one standing, but little Megan dispatched him in the end). After all that activity, most of the combatants couldn’t wait to dive into the swimming pool and continue competing in the water. There were some hard-fought games of keep-away and an aquatic version of “ultimate Frisbee.”
That evening we had more introductions and revelations of Sakeji romances, and also some formal prize-giving. The winners of both academic and athletic competitions were honored, as were the oldest (Gavin Barnett) and youngest (Brian and David Wolford) alumni present. There was also a discussion on forming a more formal Sakeji Alumni Association which could help us all keep in touch better, not to mention providing various types of assistance for the school itself. Then we all settled down to listen raptly as Gavin read from the chapter about Sakeji in his book Like a River Glorious, which is a biography of his remarkable mother, pioneer missionary Dorothy Barnett of Chavuma. (Book details and ordering information)

Gavin Barnett, author of ‘Like a River Glorious’ and oldest alumni present
This was followed by a viewing of the climactic scene from “Martin Luther,” greatly augmented by the participation of the audience, most of whom joined in with gusto by reciting the lines along with Martin Luther as he stood bug-eyed before the tribunal in Worms. We also had some birthdays to honor: Steve Wolford, Angie (Ledford) Gibson and her husband, Richard. All had to stand on their chairs and be sung to though, alas, we had no humbugs to give them. We did have cake, however (generously provided by Stephanie (Cole) Gray and Lois Anne)! Stories and memories came thick and fast until we sat down to watch the rest of Sakeji films, which brought back even more memories! This was the latest night of the reunion-everyone appeared to be enjoying themselves so much that no one wanted to leave!
Sunday we were all up for 7:00 breakfast as usual, followed somewhat later by a beautiful and moving service in the CLU chapel. In addition to Scripture reading by several different people, hymns sung included “All Things Bright and Beautiful,” “Open My Eyes That I May See,” that old Sakeji favorite “Hamekenu Nzambi,” “Be Thou My Vision,” and, of course, the Sakeji hymn as well. There were also some responsive readings and several meaningful testimonies shared by those present. Sarah (Bakke) Knudsen also blessed us by singing a beautiful Latin hymn a cappella. An offering was taken up to benefit a project at Sakeji, and Dowa reported later that the contributions totaled $566. By common consent, it was agreed that the money should go towards refurbishing the Sakeji swimming pool, where we all spent so many happy hours swimming and shivering in the freezing water!
Before leaving the chapel, we took advantage of the fact that everyone was dressed in “Sunday best” to take dozens of pictures of both individuals and groups. The smiles and laughter were a good indication of the unity and pleasure in each other’s company that we all were feeling.

Left: Margaret (McKenzie), David, Megan and Robert Gurney
Right: Linda (Moran) Burklin and Kumi (Bwanausi) Tommerbakke
After lunch the more energetic members among us set off on what was to have been a 40 minute hike up to Paradise Falls in nearby Wildwood Park, location for the filming of many Western movies and TV shows. Accompanied by the spirit of Miss Hoyte, Sarah (Bakke) Knudsen led the group of twelve to explore an Indian cave, refresh themselves in the shade along the creek, and hike along the hot but mercifully breezy trail to the beautiful falls. After a steep ascent, the group rested in the tepee lookout, taking in the mountain vistas before finishing the climb to the parking lot. After a short drive back to CLU (and an absence of two and a half hours), they straggled in to the swimming pool area feeling very ready for a refreshing dip in the water. When asked about the hike, responses ranged from “Great! Fantastic!” to “I’m knackered.” Megan Gurney, that vivacious and indefatigable redhead, arrived back as fresh and energetic as when she had left! The swim was a welcome end to a beautiful sunny afternoon.
The CLU dining room staff surprised us on Sunday by producing rice cakes and Sakeji Mud! Lois Anne ran to get her Marmite while the rest of us skeptically tried the flat round rice cakes, only to discover that they actually tasted like . . . rice cakes! Cheers resounded and the Marmite was passed from table to table. Steve Ross, Dowa’s husband, announced that he and some of the other spouses had formed an association known as S.A.M.-Spouses Against Marmite. Nobody objected, as this just meant more Marmite for the rest of us. The “Sakeji Mud” was less successful. Lois Anne claimed that it actually appeared to be uncooked cake batter topped with chocolate sauce!
After supper we spread out blankets on the grass (not having brought our macs) and prepared to be tested by Mbamba’s Sakeji Trivia Quiz. Mbamba had come up with an incredible 114 Sakeji trivia questions, many of which were disputed by various rowdy members of the audience. For instance, in response to the question, “What happens when you step on a zozo?” medical doctor Margaret Gurney answered “It dies,” instead of the looked-for “It makes a bad smell.” But after all the good-natured arguing and disputing were over, the winner turned out to be Linda, who had 106 out of 114 right. Dowa was a close second with 103 right.
After a brief break, we strolled back to the chapel for that time-honored Sakeji tradition of singing hymns on Sunday evening. We gathered around the grand piano and sang hymn after hymn that we remembered fondly from Sakeji days, accompanied in turn by Chenga Bwanausi, Janice Bakke, and Gavin Barnett. The singing went on for some one and a half hours, till we reluctantly agreed that we needed to return to the dorm to pack. Many found it difficult to withdraw and go to bed that evening, since we all knew we would be leaving the following morning to go our separate ways. Mbamba had to say his goodbyes and leave that night, which only emphasized the fact that our wonderful reunion was coming to an end.
Monday morning we had our last meal together on the patio outside the dining room, where the tables and chairs were very close to being “Sakeji green.” We sang “For They are Jolly Good Fellows” to honor our intrepid leaders, Janice and Dowa. The Marmite jar was passed for the final time to accompany the leftover rice cakes from the day before. Then it was time to turn towards the dorm to finish packing, turn in our keys to Dowa, and turn our backs on what Chenga rightly described as a “mountaintop experience.”

Angela (Ledford) and Richard Gibson
By late morning all the farewells had been said (some of them tearfully), the last hug had been exchanged, and all were on their way home via car or plane. Now we have a brand new set of Sakeji memories to add to all the wonderful old ones. Our love goes out to those who would have liked to be there, but were unable to make it. If you belong to that category, start planning now-Dowa and Janice are already talking about doing it again in a few years!

They included the following people, all of whom were present for at least part of the reunion (dates refer to years that they attended Sakeji):
- Janice Bakke: 1971-1978
- Sarah (Bakke) Knudsen: 1983-1989
- Gavin Barnett: 1936-1943
- Chenga Bwanausi: 1965-1972
- Dowa (Bwanausi) Ross: 1968-1976; husband Steve; daughters Savannah & Sydney
- Kumi (Bwanausi) Tommerbakke: 1965-1972
- Mbamba Bwanausi: 1969-1977; with friend Andrea Canaan and her son Lyric
- Owen: 1971-1975; and Joanne Callahan
- Stephanie (Cole) Gray: 1956-1963
- Serena Denmark: 1973-1977; and son Dustin
- Paul English: 1983-1990
- Betty Lou Ferguson (mother of 5 Sakeji alumni and mother-in-law of 3 more!)
- Dwight Ferguson: 1966-1973
- Stephen Gibbard: 1968-1977; with wife Genny and daughter Talisa
- Stephen Howell: 1971-1978 (2nd generation alumnus)
- Angela (Ledford) Gibson: 1973-1977; with husband Richard
- Margaret (McKenzie) Gurney: 1968-1976; husband David & kids Megan and Robert
- Jon Moran: 1967-1975
- Linda (Moran) Burklin: 1967-1973
- Bertha Mwanza: 1983-1989; with her friend Chipo Ndlovu
- Lois Anne (Sykes) Norris: 1959-1962
- Steve Wolford: 1967-1975; with wife Debbie
- Brian and David Wolford: 1997-2000 (2nd generation!)
- Elaine (Young) Ferguson: 1965-1972