Category Archives: School News
Searching For Sight Words
As a new term begins, Grade One students have been going over procedures in class, learning to locate books in the library, and locating sight words in self-selected books.
Grade One Social Studies Project
At Sakeji it is not all work, every once in a while we have a chance to sit back, relax and pretend we are farmers.
Lower School Renovations
We have begun to renovate lower school. For many, this is where you began your time at Sakeji Mission School. Classrooms will be relocated for the second term, while a new roof is installed.
Front of lower school showing where the new veranda on when the building is finished.
Grade one side of the school.
First Truss
Covered Play Area
Sakeji has begun to cover the ‘tennis court’. The steel beams to support the roof are installed and braced. We are putting up trusses this week. A covered play area will be a huge benefit to PE lessons, games, and other out of door activities come rain or shine!
On the playground side of the covered play area, we plan to build up a seating area for spectators and classes during instructional times.
Sr Boys Handwork
Grade One Handwork
Rain Has Come

This gallery contains 2 photos.
We know that not everyplace in Zambia has rain, but Sakeji sure does. Here are a few pictures of around the school. We are enjoying the green carpet that covers a lot at Sakeji.