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Newsletter to the Friends of Sakeji

April 1999

EASTER...the celebration of the death and resurrection of our Lord; occasionally this celebration falls before the end of our term. How moving it is to involve the children and to see their responses to, and their understanding of the good news we are called to share with all the world. Our children need this. Most are from Christian homes, but as has been said before, God has no grandchildren, so all must ultimately make their own decisions about Christian commitment.

WE SEEM TO HAVE at least one crisis per term, and this term it has been very real fears over security, due to the escalation of the civil wars in both Angola and the Congo. Recently allegations were made that Zambia is assisting the UNITA rebels in Angola. Several bombs exploded in Lusaka, and relations between the two countries have been severely strained. Sakeji is situated close to the borders of both these countries, so the threat of "spill-over" is a subject about which we have had to devote much prayer time. God has indeed assured and protected us, for which we are thankful, and our routines have not been affected this term. Pray with us that any who are responsible for the smuggling of arms will be exposed and brought to justice. Pray too that we will be able to open on schedule at the start of term on 11 May.

DESPITE BEING SHORT-STAFFED we have coped very well with the term, and the children have been settled and happy. We have 81 on the roll, with a number away overseas on leave. We expect to be short-staffed again next term. We need a catering supervisor, dorm parents and teachers. If God called you to go to an uncertain part of the world to put in long hours without being paid a salary, would you go? Financial security is something we all want, but how our faith is increased when we are prepared to surrender it!

WE ARE PLANNING TO CELEBRATE the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the school between 19th and 22nd July 2000. All Friends of Sakeji, former students and staff members are warmly invited. Please write to us now, by email or regular mail, if you are seriously considering attending this celebration, so that we can start planning travel, accommodation and other logistics.

YOU PROBABLY RECEIVE many prayer letters, missionary magazines and other publicity in addition to this one. It is a pleasure for us to keep in touch with you, but if you receive more than you can digest and would prefer to be deleted from our mailing list, please indicate below and return this slip to us. God bless you, and thank you for your faithful support and prayers.


Matthew F. Raymond

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